Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fried Mushrooms and Cashew quick bite

Cooking is a refresher for me and it helps me to over come any tiredness. I was studying for an exam and felt hungry  I went straight to kitchen and started hunting for some thing to eat. Luckly, I found some mushrooms, Fresh green peas. Hear me out when I narrate the story of another interesting 15 mins snacks. 

Yummy Mashroom
Yummy Masrooms

Did you know?
Not every one like eating mushrooms. 

How to clean mushroom?
Click here to look at the great 5 mins video on the detailed process of cleaning mushrooms.

Preparation Time: 15 mins

1. Button mushrooms. (one cup, please ref picture)
2. Green Peas (1/4th of a cup)
3. Hand full of Cashews 
3. Green chilies (according to your taste, chop them as you like)
4. Olive oil (to deep fry)
5. Salt


1. Keep a pan over a flame with oil in it.

2. Once Oil is heated up, put green chilies and let them get cooked for 2 mins. Be careful they should not turn brown. 
3. Now pour all the green peas and cashews in the oil and let it cook for 4 to 5 min.
4. Once you think that your green peas are done the last one will be the mushrooms to be deep fried, until they turn golden brown in color. 
6. In case you like some color you can put read chilly powder and turmeric powder and let them cook for 2 mins.
7. Take out every thing from the pan.
8. It must be looking tempting.
9. Sprinkle salt to taste, Red chili flakes, black pepper - According to your taste. And you are ready to serve and eat together.

Sharing food is one of the best thing in the world. So please share while you eat.

Want to try hot poories in lunch. Click below to look at poori's recipe